Saturday, 15 February 2014

Second Chance - Chapter 4



When Zayn said my name, Louis actually stiffened and his beautiful and mesmerizing, sea blue eyes snapped to my face. A murderous frown replaced the smirk. He stood there motionless while staring at me intensely. I could sense the anger in him growing when he realised that it was me. The furious look on his face made me want to disappear into thin air.

I knew I deserved all the rage directed at me, I knew I was wrong, and I also knew that he was wounded badly by my action. I felt wretched for hurting him but I believed I had good reasons for leaving. His intense stare was starting to make me feel REALLY nervous. If he thought that he could get away with it, he would definitely kill me for being there, for disrupting his life, and for stirring past memories. In spite of my apprehension, I managed to keep my cool throughout the encounter.

When Harry, Liam and Louis left for their shopping expedition, Zayn and I caught up with the news. I managed to avoid answering painful questions and luckily, Zayn let the matter go. When the lads came back, they brought back some KFC and that was lunch. We chatted and caught up with the news and reminisced about the good old times. All of us, with the exception of one irate Louis Tomlinson, had a great time.

Liam and Niall were sitting on the chairs. Niall was still eating lunch. Harry and Louis were sitting on a bed: Louis, legs crossed, had his back against the headboard and Harry, at the foot of the bed with his elbows on his knees, looking a bit troubled. Zayn and I were on the other bed. Zayn was propped up by pillows. The back of my head was against Zayn’s chest and he had his arm around my throat in a loose chokehold.

Liam asked me why I was in New York, so I explained that I was a published writer and I was promoting my new book, Making Amends. The signing of the book would be in two days. Making Amends was about making and fixing mistakes that were made, about forgiveness, about leaving what hurts behind and trying to move on and living again. It was a story of being human.

Through my explanation, I was staring at Louis, willing him to understand what I was trying to say without actually saying it. When he became aware that I was looking fixedly at him, he looked away, ignoring me pointedly. I sighed. I knew that he was dying inside to say something sassy. However, he couldn’t because he didn’t want anyone to know about us. I could imagine his effort in biting his tongue to keep himself from saying something that would reveal our story. I chuckled to myself, amused.

“I don’t believe in all that crap!” he said out of the blue.

“You don’t believe in giving others a second chance?” I asked him bluntly.

“Whatever for? So they can hurt you again?” He shook his head angrily. “Never!” Uhuh.. this is getting personal. He put the glass he was holding with a loud thump, stood up and practically stomped out of the room.

“Well, what has got his knickers in a twist?” Niall was perplexed with the way Louis was acting towards me. The blond Irish lad finally rose from his bed close to noon. He woke up hungry and quickly demolished whatever Zayn and I had left from breakfast. The boy sure could eat!

I let out a forced laugh. “Don’t mind him. We just have some unresolved issues.”

“I’ll go and talk to him.” Harry offered and started to rise from the bed he was sitting on. The sweetheart! No wonder girls kept falling for him. Not only he was absolutely gorgeous, he was one of the kindest people I had ever met.

“It’s okay, Harry. I'll go. It’s between me and him.” I replied and shook my head slowly. I pushed Zayn’s arm away, freeing myself from his hold. I sat up and got off the bed.

“Umm... sorry for interrupting BUT I’m dying of curiosity here about the ‘between’ thing.” Liam said.

I grinned, truly amused. “Not today, folks. That story is reserved for some other day.”

“Oh c'mon. Don't keep us hanging...” Liam said pointedly.

"There's not much to tell.." I was trying to evade explaining the whole messy affair to the boys.

Zayn stood up, walked to the table full of leftovers, took some chips or fries, whatever you like to call it, and stuffed it into his mouth.  

"Leave her alone, Liam." He said with a mouthful of chips while putting his hand on Liam's shoulder. Liam shrugged to indicate that he conceded.

"I'll get it out of her later and then I'll report to you guys." Zayn said this deadpan.

My only response before walking out to go after Louis was to throw a fat, fluffy, white pillow at Zayn's head which he dodged easily. He smiled victoriously as he managed to annoy me. Did I say I wanted a brother? I changed my mind!

I stepped out of the room and started to run, but stopped abruptly when I saw the target of my quest. Louis was waiting for the lift.

"Louis." I said hesitantly. "Can we talk?"

He was quiet for what I felt like forever. "About what?" He finally said. He did not even looked at me.

"About what happened...." I was nervous. My palms were getting sweaty. I wiped them down the sides of my pants.

He shrugged nonchalantly and put both his hands in his pockets. "Nothing happened, Holly."

Nothing happened. That hurt. THAT. REALLY. HURT. We were so much in love before. I knew that he was angry and he was trying to act like our love never happened. I understood that he was hurt and I knew what he was trying to do, but it still hurt that he did not acknowledge what had happened between us.

"Louis, please." I pleaded. "I know you're angry. I am so sorry that I hurt you. But please, let me explain."

"I don't need any explanation! I'm not angry and I'm not hurt." He tried to deny it but the fury in his voice betrayed his true feelings. "Leave me alone, Holly. Just go back from where you came from and never come back!"

The lift opened as if on cue. No one was inside and Louis stepped in. He jabbed at the button angrily.

"Louis, please listen..." I was down to begging him but I was not ashamed. He ignored me and the door closed softly.

I know that this was not going to be easy. Getting him to even talk to me was proving to be a huge challenge. If he was angry at me for suddenly leaving without telling him, he was going to be totally livid when he heard the reason for it.

"I am sorry, Louis. I am so sorry for hurting you." I whispered to myself. All I could say was I had to do what I did.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Second Chance - Chapter 3



When I got Holly’s text message, I was beyond excited. I haven’t seen her since she left which was about a month after Uncle Simon signed us to Syco as recording artists. She came to see me the day before she left and when I asked her the reason for leaving she said she had fallen in love with someone. I didn’t understand it. I thought she had something going on with Louis because the two of them were inseparable during those X-Factor days. They didn’t say anything to anyone but even a blind man could see how they looked at each other, how they touched and the secret smiles and glances they exchanged when they thought nobody was looking.

They had never been obvious but I knew Holly. I had known her since forever. She was one of the most cherished friends that I had. I didn’t have many due to my mix heritage. She never cared about that. She liked me for who I was. She loved me. She adored my family. We spent a lot of time at my house playing, doing schoolwork, or just chilling and listening to music. We used to pretend that we were superstars and we used to sing together on top of our voice. While I was very passionate about singing, Holly did not see it as a career.

There was a knock on the door and I sprinted towards it, grabbed the door knob and jerked the door open. I didn’t even care about putting my shoes or shirt on. I just want to see her. She stood outside the door looking .......awesome! I stepped out and pulled her close in my arms. I hugged her tightly for a long time as if to make up for the time we had been apart. I missed her.

When Liam, Harry and Louis find us embracing in the corridor, I had to explain who Holly was. They remembered her. Louis’s thunderous expression, however, somehow confirm my suspicion that they had something going on before. Louis was usually a vivacious person. He always makes everyone laugh and when he meets other people, he usually greeted them warmly, but when he realised it was Holly that I was holding in my arms, he glowered at her.

Was he still bitter about Holly leaving without even saying a word? He was her friend too. Yet, the only people that knew she was leaving were me and her parents. Louis must have pretty deep feelings for her for him to react the way he did.

After she left, he continuously asked about her when she did not turned up at my flat like she promised and he could not get hold of her on the phone. I told him what had happened, that Holly left to be with the guy she loved. He looked really shocked and then his face turned expressionless. He NEVER asked or mentioned her name again after that.

The boys - Liam and Harry, that was - said goodbye and promised to meet up for lunch later. For the moment, I had Holly all to myself.

“Do you want to go out or stay in and order room service?” I enquired. I was so happy. I could not get over the fact that she was here with me.

“Why don’t we stay in and order room service. I don’t think I could handle your fans today.” She suggested with a sweet smile.

After I ordered a continental breakfast; coffee and tea, orange juice, scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, black puddings, pancakes with buttermilk, chocolate chip and spice muffins, fruit platter, bagel and cream cheese; a feast enough to feed an army, we sat down opposite each other in the only two chairs in the room.

“So, how have you been? Where have you been? It’s like you drop off from the face of the earth.” I smiled at her, scratching my head.

“I’m good... I’m good and yeah, I’ve been here and there.” She smiled broadly, avoiding answering my question. Her eyes were searching my face. “How are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Really?” She was sceptical. 

“Yes, really.”

“You’re too slim.”

 “I am always this slim, princess. You know that.” I was amused by the observation. “We haven’t seen each other in years and that is what you want to tell me?”

“Are you eating right, sunshine?” She was using the nickname that only she and my mum used.

I laugh out loud with pure amusement. “Been talking to my mum, I see. Don’t worry, princess. I’m fine.”

“It’s not only your mum. I saw your photos on the media recently. You look too slim to be healthy.” Her eyes were full of concern for my well-being and I loved her for it.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine.” I assured her. “You know that I’ve always been a picky eater. And lately, the tour demands a lot from us. I’ve been a bit tired but I’m okay.” I took her hand and squeezed it.

“Are you sure?”

I chuckled. “Of course I’m sure. Now tell me what this was really about?”

She exhaled audibly. “I’m glad you were okay. But you should eat more.”

“What’s wrong, princess?” I looked at her intently.

She shook her head slowly and gave me a sad smile. “I have lost a few people that I really care about in my life. I just don’t want to lose you too. You had been like a ray of sunshine in my life. You are the brother that I never had. You are my family.”

“I know, princess. Now, tell me what happened.”

She stood up and shook her head again. “I will but not today. Today is a celebration. Today, I only want to be happy.”

“And you’ll tell me about Louis too?” I have to know what happened between them because both were my friends. Good friends. All the hostility was not good for my digestion. I was quite sure that it was not good for theirs either.

She froze and looked up at me in surprise. “How did you know? Did he say anything?”

“Like you, not a word.” I sighed. “But princess, the two of you were not good actors like you think you were.”

She took a deep breath and fixed her gaze at something outside the window. “I didn’t think anyone noticed.” Her voice was shaky and barely audible.

“Well, I did.”

She gave me a sad smile and said. “Let’s not talk about that today, okay. I’ll explain that some other day, I promise.”

I nodded my head in agreement, hating to see that anguished look on her face. I wanted to know what had happened to her really bad but if she was not ready to talk, it’s okay. I would wait until she was ready.

“So, where did you go after you left?” I looked at her searchingly.

“I came here.” So, she had been in the States this whole time. “I worked for a bit and wrote when I have nothing to do.”

“And the guy you left with?” I asked bluntly.

She smiled but I thought the smile was kind of sad. She casted her eyes downwards, looking at her hands on her lap. “He’s here.”

“Here in New York?” I was mildly surprised. Did she come here with the guy?

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, in New York.”

“Are you still with him?” I was really curious about this mysterious guy. I did not know anything about him. I never knew she was dating him.

“Umm... yeah, kind of.”

“Kind of? What does that mean?” I scowled at her.

She chucked. “Well, we are still in some sort of relationship, if that is what you are asking. We just don’t live together anymore.”

When she saw my frown got darker, she continued, “No, we did not fight. There was no argument or fighting involved. He just wanted me to go out and live my own life. To decide what I wanted to do. Basically, he wanted me to have the chance to meet other people and think about what I want to do with my life. We don’t live together anymore but I’m still with him.”

“Sounds wise. I hope he’s treating you right.” I said empathically.

Her eyes soften at the concern she heard in my voice. She looked at me tenderly. “Don’t worry, sunshine. He’s a really nice guy.”

“Where did you meet this guy? How come you never told me about him?” I was still trying to fill in the missing pieces about the unknown man.

“I knew you broke up with Jason. Then, during X-Factor, you and Louis...” I shrugged. Whenever I talked about Louis, I could sense the unhappiness in her.

“Remember how I used to help out at WW Children’s Home? I met Ryan there. He used to have a recording studio in London. He’s a very nice chap. Maybe, you’ll want to meet him one day?” I questioned.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll do just that.”

The doorbell rang and breakfast finally arrived and we spent the whole morning talking about what we missed in the last two and a half years.