Saturday, 21 February 2015

Second Chance - Chapter 25



The voice on the loud speaker was announcing the arrival of the flight from Japan. It won’t be long now.

It had been almost a couple of months since I last saw Zayn. I missed him. The last time we saw each other was the day he left for the tour. And if I was honest to myself, I dearly missed someone else too.

The past months had been quite busy with activities. I decided that with Zayn and the others being away on tour, it would give me some time to concentrate on my writing. After a few weeks at my Mum's I decided to go to London so I can work on my book better. As Zayn had given me a set of his house key before he left for the tour, I took the opportunity to go there. I could work there uninterrupted as there was no one at his London house.

The house was quite spacious and being Zayn, there was a room devoted entirely for his 'art'. I smiled to myself when I entered the room. Spray paints were everywhere and there was an unfinished painting on the wall. The room was sooo... Zayn. This is the boy I remembered from my childhood. He confided in me long ago that when he has his own house, he would spray paint the wall of his house as he like. I guessed he could now. No one was going to shout at him for ruining a perfectly painted wall.

He and the lads would be back a few weeks before Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, I had not done any Christmas shopping yet. I probably should call Jenna and invite her to go shopping with me. I hoped she would not be too busy to go out.

I took out my phone and dailed her number. She picked it up on the third ring.

"Hi, Holls. Been wondering where you are. I was just thinking of calling you but you called me first. I must be telepathic. So, what's up?" Jenna went on cheerfully as she usually did.

I chuckled. "Hi, Jen. Sorry, I've been meaning to call you. I just got a few things to settle first. Anyway, I am here in London and I was wondering if you are free to go shopping with me. I need to do my Chistmas shopping before the rush begins."

"Shopping? Are you kidding? I am always free to go shopping. I love shopping. I wanted to go shopping but I always put it on hold because I hate going alone. So, when do you want to go? Would tomorrow be okay? How about 10 o'clock?" Jenna rattled on. She did not even pause to draw breath.

"Tomorrow at 10 would be perfect." I nodded absently in agreement.

"Excellent! Oh, Holly, I have so much to tell you. I think I'm going crazy but… I'll tell you everything tomorrow." She promised.

After promising to meet, we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I was curious about what she wanted to tell me, but I guess I would have to wait until tomorrow.

I tried doing some writing but I could not focus and I could not think of anything to write, so I surfed the internet for One Direction concert latest upload on YouTube. Several suggestions popped up and I clicked on one. It was their concert in Australia. The lads looked good but Louis looked absolutely fantastic. I clicked on one video after the other and without realizing it, I spent the entire afternoon watching their shows on YouTube. I went to bed that night dreaming of Louis. I really need to do something to get him out of my head.

Jenna and I met up for coffee at Starbuck the next morning. We decided to have our morning coffee before starting on our shopping expedition.

“So, spill it.” I coaxed Jenna. “What is it that you want to tell me?”

She looked around before saying in a dramatic whisper, “I kissed Harry.”

I needed to be sure. “Harry as in ‘Harry Styles’?”

She looked grim but nodded her head empathically. Well, that was a new development. These two had been close friends for a long time. Unlike Zayn and I, who are more like brother and sister, they had always been flirtatious. I could see they were very attracted to each other, but they were always in relationships with other people. 

“How did that come about?” I asked curiously.

“Well, I would have to start at the beginning. You heard of Parker, right?”

“The guy you went to New York with?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. I saw him making out with one of my girlfriend in the middle of a bloody mall!”

“So, what did you do?”

“I went to Harry’s and told him what happened.”

My eyebrows rose in surprise and marveled at her ability to walk away and not smacked the two there and then. I told her so.

She chuckled. “That would be extremely satisfying but highly embarrassing. Anyways, I was still thinking of a form of revenge towards the two when ‘it’ happened and took the decision out of my hands.”

“Go on.” I urged her. “Don’t stop. This is getting really interesting.”

“Well, you know that I can’t hold my drinks right? I went out to a club and again I saw the two. I swear, Holly. It’s like they are everywhere I go. I called Harry for backup and had a little drink to calm myself down. Only it didn’t calm me down. By the time Harry arrived with Niall and Liam, I was pissed drunk. According to those two, I made out with Harry the minute he found me plotting bloody murder during my drunken state.”

Jenna and Harry? I could not believe it! Well, I could but I did not expect it to happen that way. Jenna was looking a bit sheepish now. 


“Umm… Harry took me home. On the way to the car, I got a little emotional and I guess he comforted me and I kissed him again. Unfortunately, during our passionate embrace, some paps took pictures and it was all over the internet the next day.”

“My goodness.”

“Yeah.” Jenna sighed.

“Did Parker found out about it?”

“Umm… I think so. I didn’t exactly ask him. I’m sort of avoiding him at the moment. He kept calling but I’m ignoring his calls.”

“What about Harry? How did he react?”

She lifted her shoulder in a shrug and said, “You know how Harry is. He just smiled politely and ignored the whole thing.”

I laughed out loud and tried to cheer Jenna up. “Well, at least a good thing came out of it. You had just given Parker a taste of his own medicine. Now, he probably thought you were carrying on with Harry behind his back.”

Jenna flashed me her magnificent smile and then changed the topic. “How are you and Louis?”

“That’s old story, Jen.”

“Are you saying that you don’t have feelings for him anymore?”

“Is there any good in that? He has a girlfriend, Jen. He has moved on.”

“Vicky? That shallow, unfeeling bi… errr, woman? She doesn’t really care for him.”

“It doesn’t matter, does it? Anyways, he is still angry at me.”

“Yeah, I heard.” Jenna shook her head. “Well, never mind. Let’s put our men problems aside and enjoy our shopping.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”  I smiled widely at my friend and started to stand up from my seat, when suddenly I heard somebody calling out my name.

“Holly? Holly Adams?” The voice sounded familiar. “Is that you?”


“My God, Holly. Wow, you look... wonderful!”

“Well, thanks. What are you doing here?”

“A friend of mine asked me to pick him up.” He was grinning from ear to ear while leering at me. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

I smiled at Jason. I could not believe this was the guy I lost my heart when we were still in school. What did I ever see in him? He looked good but not as good as Louis. Granted he was taller and more muscular, but he would never hold up compared to Louis.

Stop! I did it again. Comparing every man I met to Louis. I should just stop! I made a promise that I would forget Louis and move on. I would fulfil that promise. I would!

“Oh, sorry. Jen, this is an old friend of mine. Jason Blake. Jason, this is Jenna.” I introduced the two. They shook hands and mouthed polite greetings. We chatted for a few minutes and then Jenna and I took our leave to go shopping.

“Holly, can I call you some time?” Jason took hold of my arm when I started to walk away.

I hesitated for a second, and thought ‘Oh, what the heck!’, then finally said, “Umm… Yeah. Sure.”

We exchanged numbers before I left. 

The voice on the loud speaker nearby announcing that the flight had landed, snapped me out of my reverie. It was quite late, so there were no fans around, which made it easier for the lads as they did not have to wade through excited, screaming fans.

My phone rang and it was Zayn. I told him I was waiting for him outside. A few minutes later, I saw him walking out of the arrival area with Louis and Niall close behind him.

“Princess.” Zayn enveloped me tightly in his arms. “I missed you. It’s good to be home.”

“I missed you too, sunshine.” I kissed his furry cheek fondly, before he let me go.

 “Hi, Niall. Good to see you.” I greeted and hugged him when I saw him and Louis standing nearby.

“Good to see you too, Holly.” Niall buried his face at the crook of my neck, before kissing my cheek. When he let me go, I turned to Louis.

“Hi. Glad you’re home safe.” I smiled while debating whether to hug him or not, but he stepped forward and took me in his arms in a warm, comforting hug. I whispered to him, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

He kissed my temple and said, “We’ll talk about it later, okay?”

I nodded and he let me go. Zayn offered them a lift but they declined saying that Paul would take them home. We said our goodbyes and Zayn and I headed straight to his house.

“You okay, princess?”

“I’m fine. Did the flight tire you out?”

“Not more than the usual, but it is really good to be home. I can’t wait to go back to see my family. So, what have you been doing?”

I chuckled before I answered him. “I watched your show on YouTube, and I went out with Jason a few times.”

“Blake?” Zayn was surprised. “You’re dating him now?”

“I’m not dating him. We just went out to catch up.”

“A few times?”

I gave Zayn an exasperated sideways glance. “Don’t pull that big brother stunt on me now. We chatted. That’s all.”

“Hmm… I don’t trust him.”

“Sunshine, please. I am a big girl now.”

“I know. But somehow that doesn’t make me feel less worried.”

I did not agree with him but I understood his concern. He was such a sweetheart. I did not know how I would survive my childhood and teenage years without this best friend of mine. I gave him a fond smile and told him, “I love you, brother.”

“Well, I love you too.” And he rubbed the top of my head which messed up my hair. That earned him another exasperated look from me.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Second Chance - Chapter 24



The concert was about to begin in twenty minutes and I was still talking on the phone, which made Louis gave me his sassiest look. I ignored him and continued talking on the phone.

“Don’t worry, PRINCESS.” I deliberately said the last word loudly, while trying to avoid looking at Louis. “Everything is okay... Yeah, yeah....I’ll be there...... We’ll be going to Japan next and then we’ll be heading home....I will, princess. I will......I’ll see you soon.... Yes, I promise.... Okay, take care.... I love you too. Bye.”

“Have you two quite finished?” Louis said flippantly when I hung up. He was referring to me and Harry.

I chuckled at his irritation. I glanced at Harry who was saying his goodbyes to the person on his phone. He was probably talking to Jenna. Ever since the tour started, the two of them had been texting and talking to each other almost non-stop. He seemed more cheerful lately. It seemed like he was over his break up with Sarah.

Louis cleared his throat pointedly to get our attention. I knew he was dying to know what my conversation with Holly was about, but he would sooner surf naked in the ocean rather than ask me about it, and just to annoy him, I decided not tell him a thing. He knew I was talking to Holly because he heard me called her ‘princess’. 

“Zayn!” Louis narrowed his eyes in warning. “Do me a favour, will you? Focus!”

I gave him a bright smile and said, “Okay, sorry.”

“Okay. Focus! Harry!” Louis got more irritated.

“Sorry, Lou.” Harry said cheerfully. But he did not look apologetic at all. “Jenna sends her love.”

“What is it with you two these days?” Liam inquired. “You have been acting weird.”

Harry sent him a look that said ‘What are you talking about?’.

“Okay, lads. This is it. Show time.” Louis said calling the me and the other three to huddle around before the concert started. “All the best, lads.”

Everyone murmured his encouragement and wished each other luck before the show began. I took a quick look at Louis. He seemed okay but he was not himself yet. He was far too serious. He rarely joked around anymore. I was a bit worried but I did not know what to do.

His last encounter with Holly did not go well. I understood his anger this time. Much as I loved Holly, I agreed with Louis. She should have told him about her being pregnant. Louis would have found a way to make it work. I was sure of it. I cared about both of them very much and I wanted to see them happy, but I would let them work this out themselves.

My thoughts returned to the day Louis went to see Holly at Bradford. Louis was so enraged that he refused to hear any explanation. Not from me, and much less from Holly. After Louis left, Holly and I sat on a nearby bench and talked about the reason behind her decision to keep the pregnancy a secret.

With tears spilling from her eyes, she gave me an overly bright smile and shoved her hands in the pockets of her charcoal coat. “Do you remember my parents, Zayn? Do you know why I spent most of my time at your house?” She asked.

“You told me it was because of your parents.”

“Yes, it’s because of my parents.” She took a deep breath to calm herself. “They were teenage sweethearts and they loved each other very much. Mum was supposed to go to Uni and Dad was already being offered to play piano in an orchestra. The down side of it was he would have to travel. He would be gone for a long stretch of time.”

“Then mum got pregnant and it was unplanned. They decided to get married. Mum put Uni on hold and Dad declined the offer, saying that there will be other opportunities, that things will be okay.” She choked on her words. She wiped the tears that were flowing down her cheeks away angrily with her fingers. I put my arm around her shoulder.

“But things did not get better. Once they had me, they began to realise that they would never be able to do what they wanted to do in the first place. Mum got bored staying at home looking after me. Once I went to school, she got more time on her hands. She felt bored and wanted more. She was still young and felt that there were a lot more she could be doing. Dad felt the same way. He saw other musicians, who had lesser talent, were more well-known. He felt he was stuck in the same position for years.” She stopped abruptly. I could see the pain reflected in her eyes.

“As the years go by, their resentment grew. They still love each other but their feeling of bitterness was stronger. They fought all the time and it was unbearable. They started blaming each other for holding them back. And in times, they started blaming me. That was why I used to spend so much time at your house. Home was not a pleasant place to be.” She looked so miserable that I pulled her closer and gave her a comforting squeeze.

“It hurts a lot. I didn’t ask to be born. Sometimes I wished that they didn’t decide to have me; that Mum just goes to a clinic and get rid of me. I think that would be better. They could go on with their life and be happier people.”

“I’m sorry, princess.” I wiped her tears away gently with my fingers. “I am so sorry.”

“Zayn, if I stay, I’m afraid the same thing would happen. I know that Louis would be a great father. He’s great with children and he loves them, but my dad was also a good father before he felt trapped in his life. I don’t want the same thing to happen to Louis.” Her glum look really upset me.

“In times, he would resent me and he would resent our child.” She really believed the things she was saying.

“No, he won’t. You don’t know that.” I said empathically.

“Maybe I don’t, but that is the risk that I am not willing to take and a mistake I’m afraid of making. If that happened, like my parents, he would be unhappy. I don’t want that. I don’t mind stepping out of his life, as long as he is happy. And I know that he is happy now. That is all I want.” 

“Holly, you don’t know if that would be his reaction. Louis is one of the greatest guys that I have ever met. I have faith that he would do the right thing if you told him about it.” I told her confidently.

She shrugged. Her eyes were dried now. “He may, but do you think your management would let him?” 

“I can’t answer that because I have no idea how they would react to the news, but Louis would fight them tooth and nail.” 

She gave me a fond smile. “You really like him, don’t you?”

“He’s one of my best mates.” I shrugged.

“You know, Holly. I love you but I think you have done something which is, to me, unforgivable. You have let your fear...Yes, your unfounded fear controls you.” I continued talking even though she was shaking her head in protest. “You should have told him. You should have told me what was going on. Get this into that thick skull of yours; I will always be there for you. No matter what happens.”

She bit her lower lips, thinking hard about what I had said. She heaved a great sigh. “Maybe you’re right, sunshine. Maybe it was my fear. I am afraid of taking risk and I’m scared of going through it again. But I did not expect the heartache of leaving him would be as terrible.”

“This time his anger would be even greater than the first time. You have a lot of amends to make, princess.” 

“I know.” She murmured miserably.

A nudge at my ribs brought me back to the present time. It was Liam digging his elbow into me to get my attention. “You’re miles away, mate.”

“Sorry.” I apologised for being distracted. “I had things on my mind.”

“We can talk about it later, if you want to.” He generously offered as we were in the middle of a song and Niall was singing his parts in More Than This.

“Thanks, mate.” I gave him a grateful smile and glanced around me. The tour was almost over and there were only a handful of shows left. I was excited that we would be going home soon. I missed my family and friends a lot. When I get home, the first thing I would do would be to sleep the whole day in my own bed. That would be such bliss.