Sunday, 30 March 2014

Second Chance - Chapter 9



          I first met Louis during the first performance of the boys on X-Factor. Zayn and the boys did not get through as solo artists but after boot camp they were put together as a band.

I still remember the first time I saw him. They have just arrived for that night show and I had been waiting for Zayn. They walked in and were joking around. It was if they had known each other for years.

I had not seen Zayn for a few weeks and I really missed him. I waved vigorously to attract his attention. When he saw me, he waved back and ran to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Oh, princess. It’s so good to see you. I missed you a lot.” He grinned happily. “Come, let me introduce you to the lads.”

He put his arms around my shoulder and we approached his band mates. All four of them were staring at me but the boy with amazingly mesmerising blue eyes and incredibly beautiful smile caught my attention.

“Lads, this is Holly.” Zayn introduced me. He put his arm around my waist and as he was standing behind me, he pulled me back so my back was to his front. “Holly, this blond Irish here is Niall, the tallest one is Liam, curly is Harry and that’s Louis.”

“Hi. It’s nice to finally meet you guys.”

“It’s nice to meet you to.” Curly Harry said and echoed by the others. Harry curls were really adorable.

“Your girlfriend Zayn?” Louis asked.

“Holly’s my princess.” Zayn and his cryptic answers. I smiled because I knew what he was doing. He is being over-protective. Again. He didn’t say directly that we were only friends because other guys usually took that as a sign to hit on me. But he also did not put it out that I was his girlfriend. It kept boys guessing in the past.

Zayn and I were so comfortable around each other. There were lots of hugging, kissing and cuddling together but there was nothing sexual about it.

“Huh. What does that mean? Your princess?” Louis was puzzled.

Zayn put his cheek next to mine and said, “Take it anyway you want, bro. She’s my princess because she’s precious.”

I had to twist my neck around to look up at Zayn. I reached out to touch his cheek. “What a charming thing to say. Thank you, sunshine.”

He grinned. “Because it’s true.”

I looked at Louis and found he was staring at Zayn kissing my temple. He looked quite serious. The six of us chatted for a few minutes. I found myself kept glancing at Louis secretly and Louis was doing exactly the same. When our eyes met, I smiled at him shyly.

“We got to go, boys.” Liam reminded them.

Zayn let go of me and said, “I’ll see you later, princess.”

I nodded. “Okay, and good luck guys. Break a leg. Bye.”

Their performance that night was the song Viva la Vida, and it was smashing. They really sounded very, very good. I love Zayn’s voice but I couldn’t keep my eyes away from Louis.

Zayn went to fetch me from my seat after their performance had ended. I squealed with excitement when we reached backstage. “Oh my gosh. You guys are brilliant. You’re smashing it. I absolutely love your performance.”

“Thanks, babe.” Harry, as the rest of the boys, was still buzzing from their performance. “We did it!”

We were in celebratory mood that night but we could not stay out late because the boys had to start early the next day. Louis managed to find me alone to ask the question that was on everybody’s mind.

“Hi, there.” Oh, God! He’s talking to me. “Just curious, you and Zayn...”

“Me and Zayn?” I prompted.

“Is Zayn your boyfriend?” Louis said flatly.

I chuckled at the question which had been asked numerous times by numerous people previously. “No. Zayn and I are just friend. He’s like a big brother to me.”

His smile got wider. “Okay.”

I raised my brows at him in question. He just shook his head and took my hands in his.

“Come on. Let’s join them.”

Since then I was their regular supporter. I came for every show. Louis and I got closer and closer. I also befriended Harry’s friend, Jenna. Sometimes, she came on her own and sometimes she came with her boyfriend. The boyfriend changed every couple of weeks but she was consistent that all of them are much older than her. Much older than any of us. But Jenna was sweet, fun, outgoing and a good friend. Once I got to know her, I really liked her.

Louis and I were waiting for the others outside a shop, during a shopping expedition for food with the boys, when Louis gave me an unexpected sweet first kiss which made me quite weak in the knee. However, it ended before I could fully enjoy it.

A kiss from Louis Tomlinson! My heart was beating so hard that I could hear every heartbeat. I licked my lips. “What was that for?” I asked curiously.

He shrugged casually. “Because I like you.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and smiled like a Cheshire Cat. I slipped my hand at the back of his head to pull him down for another kiss. This time much, much longer and deeper kiss. When we pulled apart, both of us were quite breathless.

“And that’s because I like you too.” I whispered.

That kiss was just the beginning of a lot more stolen kisses, secret caresses and meaningful glances when no one was looking. Every time we were apart, I began counting the days, hours until I could see him again.

Our first time together was not planned at all. The lads had just finished practicing for their performance that night. Louis and I had promised to meet up. However, the other boys also had plan on going out so to avoid meeting them, I suggested we went to my hotel room which was nearby.

We chatted about the lads, about the coming performance, about us and what we are going to do after the X-Factor ended while cuddling on the bed.

“Will I see you again?”

“Why wouldn’t you? Whether we win or not, I’m sure the band is going to stay together.” Louis said confidently. “I’ll always be here for you, babe.”

I looked up at him smiling and wanting to say thank you, I pulled his head nearer for a kiss. What started as a thank you kiss turned into something very, very hot and passionate. Not long, we were all over each other.  

“Louis.” I said breathlessly after we had to come up for breath Louis was on top of me and propped on his elbow. “We... we should go slow.”

“Yeah, we should.” He whispered but continued raining kisses down the side of my neck. I shivered in pleasure.

“Do you think we should stop?” The last word came out as a sigh. I swallowed hard. He had reached my jaw and now trailing little kisses down my throat.

“I don’t know.” He said against my skin. He started licking the skin on the base of my throat. I threw my head back, eyes closed in pleasure. Coherent thoughts no longer possible. “Do you want me to?”

“Hmm? Want to...” I was no longer able to put logical thoughts together. How could I think when Louis was kissing and touching me like this. I could feel his hands under my blouse, his thumb stroking the side of my ribcage. “Do I want what?”

His lips found mine again. He bit my lower lip lightly and licked it. He pulled away slightly, breathlessly whispered against my lips. “Do you want me to stop, Holly?”

I swallowed hard. “Louis...”

“Tell me what you want, love. If you want me to stop I will. It is up to you.”

I looked up into his eyes and realised how much I loved him. Somehow in a short period of time he had became my reason for living every day. He had become the reason why I look forward to another day. He had become my life, my heart and my soul. If I wanted it to go all the way, it might as well be with Louis.

“Holly?” He stared at me questioningly.

I smiled tremulously at him. “No.”


“No. Don’t stop.”

“Are you sure, love?”

“I’m sure.” I smiled assuring him. “I love you, Louis.”

“I love you too, babe. You don’t know how much.” He began kissing me again.

When he sang The Way You Look Tonight with the boys that night, after spending a very passionate afternoon together, I could feel he was singing every word to me. I have never felt so alive before.

I went to meet the lads when the performance ended. I blushed a little when I met Louis’ eyes, remembering how we spent that afternoon. It was difficult to find the opportunity to be together but before they went back that night, Louis managed to give me a quick kiss and mouthed ‘I love you’ to me. I was the happiest girl alive!

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