Saturday, 4 January 2014

Second Chance - Chapter 1



As the plane touched down in JFK International, New York, I started to feel really nervous. I’m not quite sure why. Was it because I was meeting one of the closest people in my life (not that I had many), after almost three years or was it because I was finally going to meet HIM again? I couldn’t decide.

I had my own reasons to be here: To promote my new book and to make sure the boy (well, man now) that used to be my best friend and confidant, was okay. Zayn and I used to be very close. I practically lived in his house, as much time as I spent there with him and his family. I loved his family. The whole bunch of them: His parents, his sisters and assorted uncles, aunts and cousins. They were close knit and very protective of each other.

When I was there, I could forget for a while own my family and problems at home, and pretended his family was mine. He was the brother that I never had. Sadly, I hadn’t seen or contacted him since I left England. Not that I didn’t want to, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t because I had a secret to keep.

After collecting my bag, I decided to go to my hotel first to freshen up. After an 8-hour flight, I must look a sight. Besides, it’s only 8 in the morning. It was an off day for the band and the Zayn I knew would never be up this early on an off day.

So, I took my time and showered and changed my clothes. Now, I had a problem! Should I go casual, smart casual or sexy? I did not want to give off the vibe that I was trying to impress someone. By someone I meant him, ‘the one I was dreading to meet’.

I met him when he and Zayn were still competing in the X-Factor. I was kind of on the rebound at that time. I just broke up with Jason, my two-timing boyfriend, while he was having problems with his girlfriend; long distance relationship and such.

I stared at my bag full of clothing articles and I was screaming in my head “I don’t have anything to wear!” After much internal debate with myself, I settled on what I call my Oreo-inspired outfit: chocolate with white dots, spaghetti-string mini baby-doll with brown ribbon, and white pants and brown belt. I put on my amber necklace and earrings. I let my long brown hair hang down my back. Then, I finished off the look with brown stiletto and white handbag. Hmm...Not bad for someone who didn’t have anything to wear!

The 20-minutes ride to the hotel where Zayn and his band mates were staying was uneventful. I looked out of the window but I did not notice anything or any activities that were going on outside the taxi because my mind was busy replaying what had happened two days ago.

I had just come back to England after almost three years and I went straight to Zayn’s house. I couldn’t wait to see him. I missed him so much. The last conversation we had was the day before I left. I wanted to say goodbye to him because I don’t know when I would see him again. I couldn’t go before I see him. He will always be my best friend and brother in my heart.

I scrolled down my phone until I found Zayn’s number, which was given to me by his mum. I wanted to call him but decided against it. I texted him instead.

Hi Sunshine, it’s Holly. I dropped by your house yesterday but your mum said you were still on tour in America. She gave me your phone number. Heard you’re going to New York next. I’ll be in New York on Tuesday. Maybe we could meet up sometime?

Three minutes later, my phone rang. It was Zayn calling. I picked it up.

“Holly?” Hearing his husky voice brought such joy to my heart.

“Hi, Sunshine” I greeted him with a smile in my voice, using the term of endearment I had for him.

“Holly? Princess?” He was still in shock. “Is this really you?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Gosh, Holly! Where have you been?” He sounded happy and angry at the same time. “I have been trying to find out where you are. Where are you? What time is your fight arriving in New York? Whe...”

“Zayn, slow down.” I said. “I’m in London right now. Listen, I am actually in the middle of something right now. We’ll talk when I get to New York, okay?” We talked for about five minutes and after exchanging information needed, I said good bye to Zayn with a promise to meet up.

A loud horn blaring jolted me back to the present time. When we arrived at the hotel, the taxi stopped right at the entrance. After paying the driver, I stepped out of the taxi.  I took a deep calming breath and walked nervously into the building. I could feel my heart beating erratically. My palms started sweating. I was happy, excited, nervous and a whole loads of other conflicting emotions at the same time.

I hoped he was not rooming with Zayn. I hoped he had his own room. I hoped I will not have to see him. I hoped he had not even woken up yet. I hoped he would sleep until I left. Jeez, I was a total mess. Nobody knew what had happened between us and I prefer it stayed that way.

I got to Zayn’s room without remembering how I got there. I was functioning fully on automatic. I knocked on the door hesitantly and it was opened immediately. Zayn must have run to the door when he heard me knocking. He had no shoes or even shirt on. The first thing I noticed about him was his height. He had gotten taller. Then, I noticed his collection of tattoos and his facial hair, which I might say, looked really sexy on him.

I hadn’t even managed to say ‘Hi’ when Zayn enveloped me in a bear hug. When I got over my surprise, I hugged him back tightly, burying my face in his shoulder. I really missed my best friend.

“Holly! I can’t believe it’s you. I missed you, Princess.” He whispered emotionally in my ears.

“I missed you too, Sunshine.” My voice was muffled with my face being pressed into his shoulder. My eyes began to fill with tears. “I missed you so much.”

I was not quite sure how long we stood there in each other’s arms, without saying anything, just savouring the moment. I miss the musky scent that was him, his heart-melting smile, his stunning brown eyes, everything. We were brought back to the present when somebody cleared his throat. I had my back to the person, so I didn’t know who it was.

“Zayn?” It wasn’t exactly a question. It sounded like a question but what it was, was a demand for explanation.

Zayn looked up and let go of me. I turned around slowly. A bit to my right, in front of an open door, stood three gorgeous male species of human being... and HE was one of them! I couldn’t help but stare.

Louis Tomlinson was even more devastating to my senses now. I knew how he looked like, of course. How could I not, his face was plastered all over the media but standing there, face to face, was nerve-wrecking. He looked so delicious... I mean, he had grown into a mighty fine looking lad.

I stood there like an idiot staring at him. The sight of him caused me to have a slight breathing difficulty. I actually forgot to breathe for a while there. His magnificent blue eyes were filled with amusement. He was smiling widely which caused crinkles at the corner of his eyes. His brown hair, which I used to run my fingers through, was covered by a grey beanie. He was smirking at Zayn, silently laughing at his friend’s predicament. He had not realised yet who the girl with Zayn was.

Zayn still had his arm around my shoulder. He kissed my temple with affection. “It’s not what it looks like, lads. This is Holly. Remember her? She used to come to watch us on X-Factor.”

I hold my breath waiting for Louis’s reaction.

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