I just could not wrap my mind around what she was saying. This was just... unbelievable!
I tried so very hard not to explode in rage. She left me to marry the guy who got her pregnant. She was sleeping with the guy at the same time she was sleeping with me! Oh, God. The pain I felt was... indescribable. It hurt so much! My heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest. It was like having my heart broken all over again.
Even though it took me quite some time to pick myself up when she left, I was proud to say that I did it. I had promised myself when she left that I would not feel anything towards her again. I even talked myself into believing that nothing she did would have any effect on me. I guess I was deceiving myself because I still felt hurt even after all these years.
After Holly’s confession, I walked around aimlessly among the thousands of people to cool my temper off. I felt like curling up in a ball and cry. I hated her. I hated her so much.
I hated her with a passion that other people reserved for love. I hated her for leaving. I hated her for cheating on me. I hated her for making a fool out of me. I hated her for not loving me the way I loved her!
What was wrong with me? Why wasn’t I good enough for her? What did this guy have that I don’t?
I pressed my eyes with the balls of my hands to wipe away the unwanted tears that threatened to fall. My chest hurt so much and I had difficulties breathing. I wanted to rage, to shout and scream, to kick things and to punch someone. I was feeling really violent.
I hated her for doing this to me, for making me feel this way. I did not want to think about her anymore. I did not want to have any feelings what so ever for her. Not even loathing. But it was kind of difficult because I could not stop thinking about her. She would not get out of my head. I guess I was kind of obsessed about her. Well, I had been since the day I met her.
I remembered the day I first saw her very clearly. The boys and I had just arrived at the studio for our first performance together. The first thing I noticed when we walked in was a girl sitting alone at the front seat looking exquisitely beautiful. She literally took my breath away.
Her mesmerising brown eyes sparkled and that sexy, kissable pink lips of hers broke into a grin when she saw us approaching. She waved. I remembered wishing desperately that she was not with one of the boys because I wanted her for myself. I wanted her, I wanted her badly from the first moment I lay my eyes on her. I never thought that I would feel this strongly about someone whom I had never met.
When Zayn, the good-looking one apart from Harry, Liam and Niall, waved back at her, I remembered the feeling of absolute disappointment came crashing down on me. I was really upset.
She stood up from her seat and walked towards us. Zayn ran to meet her half way. He was so happy to see her. When they hugged and kissed, I had to fight the powerful urge to go between them and pry those two apart. I could not understand myself. I had never felt like this before. I did not know why I felt so possessive of this girl that I did not even know.
The two of them came over to us and Zayn introduced her. I could not keep my eyes of her and I noticed that she kept glancing and peeking through her thick, long lashes at me.
I had to know. So, I came right out and asked Zayn if she was his girlfriend. The moron just smirked and said she was his ‘princess’. For heaven sake! What does that even mean? Did that mean she was his girlfriend? That made me felt a little ill.
How much problem was I going to get with my mates for wanting this girl for myself? I had just met her for about 5 minutes, yet she had occupied my mind ever since. When Zayn kissed her temple, she looked at me and smiled shyly. The two of them looked like the happy couple. I gritted my teeth at the thought.
I had to force myself to concentrate on our performance which was absolutely great. We were very happy with it. After our performance, I managed to catch her alone and asked her if she and Zayn were an item. She smiled sweetly said they were not. Zayn was more like a brother to her and he was extremely protective of her. I was on cloud nine. Her answer had me grinning like an idiot for the whole night.
She was like a drug I was addicted to. I could never get enough of her. All the time she was never far from my mind. I wanted to spend every possible time with her but I couldn’t because we were so busy practising for our performance every week. She never minded that I was busy because she knew how important this was to me and the rest of the boys. She was a wonderful girl and we were blissfully happy during that time... or at least, I was.
I guess she did not mind because she had somebody else to spend the time with!
When I became aware of my surrounding, I realised that I had no idea where I was. These tall buildings all looked the same. However, I wasn’t worried. I would call Paul and he would send someone to pick me up or I could take a taxi.
I was suddenly curious about the child. Was she a good mother? I remembered that she liked children like I did. She was good with them. She must have loved the child a lot. Was it a girl or was it a boy? Does the child look like her or her husband?
Husband! The word left a bad taste in my mouth. She was married! I stopped walking and took a really deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
I shook my head to get the memories out of my head. I need a distraction. I need to do something to keep my mind of things. I was a bundle of energy. I felt like going to a field and kick some football but that was not possible because we are leaving for the next destination in a few hours.
I took a deep breath and started walking back to our hotel. My mates would probably be worried. I checked my phone and sure enough there were 15 missed calls and 7 messages from the boys.
Maybe I should call Vicky and ask her if she would like to travel and spend time with me on the tour bus. Vicky could keep me from thinking about the girl with beautiful, sparkly brown eyes and sweet, soft kissable lips.
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