Thursday, 29 May 2014

Second Chance - Chapter 16



The apartment at Central Park West was obscenely luxurious with thick wall to wall carpeting and thick glass walls which offers us the magnificent view of the famous park.

Louis and I were in Ryan Philips’ home. His secretary had called us and extended Philips’ invitation a couple of days before we wrapped up our North America tour.  At first, Louis declined the invitation but then the man himself called Louis to persuade him to go. In the end, Louis agreed to go with me to meet him.

Louis had been in a ‘difficult’ mood since the incident in the bookstore. After saying goodbye to Holly, I went back to the hotel together with Jenna and Harry. Louis was nowhere to be seen. My guess was he was cooling off his temper somewhere.

I tried to talk to him a few times despite Holly’s request not to do so. However, he refused me point blank. After that, I left him alone to wallow in his anger and resentment.

He invited Vicky to go on tour with us, and frankly speaking, at the end of the six weeks, the boys and I, and also the crew had quite enough of her drama. She had gotten on everyone’s nerve. She treated the crew as if they were her own personal maid and butler, ordering them about and then complained loudly to Louis how everyone was bullying her. By the end of the tour, everybody was glad that they would not have to see her for a while. And Louis, the idiot, was oblivious to her behaviour as she was very sweet and gentle in front of him but as soon as Louis turned his back, she would unsheathe her claws.

When she found out that we were going to meet Phillips, she whined about being left behind and about Louis not caring and spending time with her. Louis, being the master of sass, looked at her up and down witheringly. I had to work hard not to laugh at that. I guess Louis also had enough of her.

We were ushered by a male servant into a small control room in a recording studio where we were greeted by a frail, pale man sitting on a wheelchair. He was sickly but the extremely good-looking, brown-haired man, whom I thought was seemed oddly familiar, greeted us with a genuine smile. I would guess he was in his late thirty.

He offered his hand and said. “You are Zayn Malik.”

I took the offered hand without smiling and nodded my head.

He turned to Louis and eyed him up and down. “And you’re Louis Tomlinson.”

He stared at Louis straight in the eye and Louis stared back at him. After a long uncomfortable silence, he extended his hands and introduced himself. “I’m Ryan Philips.”

I felt Louis stiffen beside me. So, this is Holly’s husband. At this point, I reserved my opinion of him. Louis shook his hand but his eyes were hard and his mouth was set in a hard line.

“Good to meet you finally. Holly talked a lot about you.”

“All good stuff, I hope.” I joked to lighten the atmosphere as Louis look as if he wanted to punch the guy’s lights out. If the guy was not ill, he probably would.

“I let you decide. You, Mr. Malik were her best friend since ‘forever’. Her words, not mine. You were like a brother to her. Did I get that right?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” I agreed.

He turned and eyed the resentful Louis. His gaze was unwavering and he stated, “You are a very lucky man, Mr. Tomlinson. I would sell my soul to be in your shoes.”

“Your definition of ‘lucky’ and mine are probably quite different, Mr. Philips.” The unsmiling Louis declared.

“Maybe.” Ryan grinned at the answer. “But I still stand by mine.”

“Please, sit down.” Ryan gesture to the two chairs nearby. “I’m glad that you decided to accept my invitation to come.”

Something nagged me at the back of my head. He looked familiar and the name also sounded familiar. I looked around me: the mixing console and multitrack recorder. Suddenly, something clicked in my mind.

“You’re Ryan Phillips, the owner of Little Oak Studio in London, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.” He admitted.

“No wonder you look familiar. So, why are we here? Does it have something to do with Holly?” I asked curiously.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” He nodded slowly. “This is about Holly.”

“What about her?” I said.

“I need a favour from you.” He confessed.

“What is it?” I leaned forward to better listen to him.

“I am dying.” He stated simply. “I only have a very short time left. I need you to do something after I am gone.”

Louis and I looked at each other. What could this guy want us to do?

“I was diagnosed with cancer three years ago. The doctors gave me 18 months to live. I was devastated. I couldn’t accept it.  I was in my prime and on top of my game.”

“When I met Holly at WW Children’s Home, I was still in denial. I saw her there; so young, so kind and generous. She has problems of her own but that does not stop her from helping others. We started talking and she was the one who made me see that I should not give up. They gave me 18 months and I have exceeded it.” He smiled weakly.

“I have to thank Holly. She makes me forget that I was ill. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.” He smiled again and chuckled when he saw Louis, who was sitting beside me, gritted his teeth. “I loved her, you know. If someone were to tell me three years ago that I would fell for a slip of a girl who is almost half my age, I would have laughed my head off.”

“At first, we were two strangers trying to comfort each other. The more I knew her, the more I fell in love with her.” Ryan took a deep breath and stated his request. “I want you to take her away from here when I’m gone.”

“Take her away? Where?”

“Anywhere but here. Take her back to England. She needs to be with the people she loves. I don’t want her to fall apart like she did when her father and Will died. Promise me you take care of her.”

“Of course. We promise.” I said on behalf of Louis. He was still sitting beside me, still had not said anything. I was wondering: Who is Will?

The side door in the live room suddenly swung inwards, and Holly walked in. We were looking through the glass window from the control room.

“Ryan, are you there?” She knocked on the darkened glass. She could not see us from her side of the room.

Ryan moved his wheelchair towards the console and pushed a button so he could talk to a microphone. “Yes, I’m here sweetheart.”

“Which one would you like to listen to?” Holly went to sit at the keyboard and began pressing the keys.

“(Everything I Do) I Do It for You. That’s a nice one.” He suggested.

Holly began playing the song and sang soulfully. She was an exquisite singer and a talented musician. I had been a long time since I last hear her sing. The last time was before I left for X-Factor.

“She went for grief counselling after they died. She was depressed and she couldn’t accept that they were gone. Music and writing had helped her to express the feeling she couldn’t say. Hazard a guess who she sings this song for?” Ryan looked pointedly at Louis but he was looking at down at his feet. His face was unreadable.

Louis looked up and fixed his gaze on me. “I didn’t even know she could sing and play music.”

I shrugged. “We were supposed to go together for the audition but somehow she did not submit her form. She could play guitar, piano, drum and violin. Her father was a gifted musician. She got it from him, I guess.”

Holly had finished singing the song and was asking Ryan if he wanted her to play another. “Yeah, do another one. Please Forgive Me.”

“Okay.” And she began singing again.

“Listen to the song.” Ryan instructed. “One part of her therapy was to choose songs that have meaning for her. I taught her this one and the one she sang just now. Do you know who this song is for?”

When Louis and I didn’t say anything, Ryan professed, “It’s for you, Mr. Tomlinson, as was the first one.”

Louis stared at the man disbelievingly and Ryan met his gaze. “Like I said, you are a very lucky man, Mr. Tomlinson. Were I to live longer, I would have taken her away from you.”

“I believe you have done that.” Louis retorted.

“Physically, yes. But her heart, no.” Ryan shot back and then sighed. “The two of you should really talk. You should listen to her.”

The door suddenly opened and an elderly lady stepped in.

“Ryan, do you want....” She stopped short when she saw me and Louis. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you have guests.”

“It’s okay, mom.” Ryan smiled fondly at her. “Gentlemen, this is my mother. Martha Philips. Mom, these are...”

“Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik.” She cut him short. “I know who they are.”

She gave us a big smile and shook our hands. I was impressed that this little lady knew us, when I realised that I knew her from somewhere.

“You seem really familiar, Mrs. Philip.” I said as I shook her hands.

“Martha Philips!” Louis said delightedly. “Yes. William. You remember him, Zayn. Handsome little fella. Beautiful blue eyes. Called me ‘dada’.”

“Oh, you still remember me.” Martha was pleased.

She had brought Baby William and another two nieces to our shows in East Rutherford, New York and Camden. She had gotten them backstage passes to see us and they were given royal treatment. Ryan must have pulled some strings to make it happen.

Louis was thrilled when Baby William had called him ‘dada’. I guess that means ‘daddy’ and asked him for hugs and kisses. He spent most of his time in Louis’ arms. Louis, the softie, was so captivated by the boy. Martha even gave him her instagram account which was filled with William’s photos. Louis instantly followed her.

Will? William? Could it be that William was Holly’s son? Holly said she never slept with anyone else other than Louis. That would mean.... I actually turned pale when I made the connection. Is Baby William was Louis’ child? If he is then.... Louis didn’t even know the child he adored so much was his own.

I looked at Ryan, wanting his confirmation. He must have guessed what I wanted to say as he nodded slightly. When Louis left with Martha to look at William’s photos, Ryan stopped me. “Please, don’t tell Louis yet. Let Holly do it.”

I looked at Holly still singing in the live room and turned back to Ryan. I nodded slowly. Holly needed to be the one to tell Louis.
“Before you go, take this.” He hand me a copy of Holy’s book, Making Amends. “Inside the front cover was written the ID and password to Holly’s private blog. If all else fail and he still would not listen to her, give that to Louis.”

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